Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Lol, so I am done with our gov. for now. He is a douche and we all agree! Hopefully the economy is slowly on the rebound, even though the number of unemployed that I personaly know has grown. I am looking forward to a long weekend at the beach soon come. I hope to find a rather large surfboard, old and thick like myself. Think I will get some surf fishing done too. Leave all of the stuff behind for a few days will be good for the soul.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Blind Leading The Stupid

I am certain the only thing on our govenors mind, other than the value of his chisholm point plantation, has to be his national political future. This blue blood elitist has done ZERO for the good of our state. I wish he would return to his stance on legalized drugs and prostitution, at least then his ideas might earn some revenue. I feel certain that this man is very wrong on his flint like stance on this whole bail out. Unfortunately he was elected by the people of SC so the citizens have it coming to them. Ideology over ideas that is, because the govenor is unwavering on this ideology. You know what I am talking about right, the wealthy get richer while the working class get poor. I AM SICK OF THIS ARISTOCRATIC BLUE BLOOD, he will not be satisfied until he ends up in washington. If the national types think that a two term govenor that has done nothing but spew ideologue is good for this country, well then we are coming to the end. Please do not fool yourself this man is standing on the neck of the citizens of south carolina to gain acceptance into the national aristocracy. You know the ones, wall street, banker & politico types who had a money grab under the previous a administration, greedy greedy undead types.